Saturday, 26 November 2011

South Africa: Coaching for Hope

The week commencing the 12th September 2011, was again one of the best, most awe inspiring weeks of my life. It began by us taking a trip through cape town city centre, and the more suburban parts of cape town, just getting a feel for the country and area we were about to spend the next 3 months of our lives, living and working in. After The welcome meetings and rule giving's were out of the way, coach training commenced! It was held in one of South Africa's largest Townships, Khayelitsha (Kai-lit-cha).

To see this from a plane is one thing, to be there, is another. The group weren't even permitted to venture outside the field, as it would have been far too dangerous, 'foreigners in the wrong part of town'. But enough with negativity, yes Cape Town is one of the most dangerous cities on the planet, and yes the residents of the townships, have to travel to get water, and only receive electricity for a few hours a day. But the way they cope, leaves you speechless.

We were trained at a school in the Township, completing drills on the Chris Cambell Memorial Field, a 3g pitch, which was funded for by Amandla EDUfootball, another sports development NGO (Non Governmental Organisation). We completed theory, the kids had playtime, they completed theory, we had our playtime.

Look at the time too, some honourable people right there. This is what the first week went like, designing drills, debating about ethics in life and in sport. Then doing practical work outside on the pitch, adding a little bit of mucking around with the kids into the mix, and you've got yourself a great week.

When the kids had playtime, something i noticed really struck me. what I saw, you would never in a million years, get a child  who lived in the UK, having the intellect and imagination to do this. The kids, had collected rubbish from the floor, found a bag or string to tie it all together, a homemade footy! Genius! Re-use and Recycle!

And if you ever wondered how its done....

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