Monday, 16 January 2012


'So, that's me now, me with a broken neck', I often catch myself thinking from time to time. This thought, to some extent is true. There are things in in life, now, that I simply must take care with. There are probably things i shouldn't do at all. Shouldn't, being the operative word in this case. A negative slant can be put on most anything, in the same way, so can a positive one. And now is definitely a time for positivity, I've seen negativity, and I've seen what it does to people, first hand. I see the plate in my neck, and the injury as 'Right so I've got a broken neck, thats happened, what's it going to NOT stop me from doing today?' 'What can I conquer?'

 The ACTUAL surgery they performed (squeamish? don't watch!)

I will always remember the reaction of my Neurologist, Dr Keik, visited me post operatively. 'When will I be able to play sport again?' (a rather impetuous question I'll admit), he gave a chuckle, 'I don't think you'll be playing any sport for a very long time'. I hasten to add he was an incredible doctor but his busyness meant his bedside manor had been given very little personal attention. I will use this reaction. Keep it away, and use it.

World Club Class, Cheers ICS!
Its at this point Id like to thank Mike Richardson and Mike Geddes, for allowing me to stay at their flat, just after my operation. Mike Geddes, my thanks for allowing a stranger in your flat! And Mike Richardson, for sorting through all the insurance and company paperwork! and generally being a stand up gent.